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I Almost Faked an Illness to Get Out of This… But Then This Happened

Ever faced something so terrifying that you seriously considered faking a stomach bug just to escape? Yeah, that was me last week.

I was invited to speak at a workshop for 30+ Realtors on creating content that converts. No big deal, right? I mean, I doown a content studio. Drop me in a room full of strangers, I’ll chat it up with anyone—bartenders, houseplants, Uber drivers—you name it.

But standing in front of a room full of people expecting actual wisdom? Instant. Panic.

The Setup: My Worst Nightmare, But Make It Professional

To make matters worse, the guy before me? A full-on motivational speaker. You know, the kind who thrives on commanding a room and making people want to run through walls.

Seriously, WTF?

Meanwhile, I’m over here psyching myself up, trying not to hyperventilate, and wondering if pretending to lose my voice is a viable escape plan. Spoiler: it was not.

The Moment I Wanted to Bolt

But here’s the thing—I couldn’t back out. Growth doesn’t happen inside the cozy bubble of comfort. If I want to help more people, if I want to grow my business, I have to show up—even when my inner introvert is screaming.

So, I prepped like my life depended on it.

✅ Practiced in the mirror like I was about to give the State of the Union
✅ Recorded myself until I couldn’t stand the sound of my own voice
✅ Ran through my notes a hundred dozen times (because, obviously, if I looked at them enough, they’d just absorb into my brain, right?)

Showtime: Did I Black Out?

The day of the workshop, I showed up early, worked the room, shook hands, and smiled like I wasn’t internally spiraling.

Did it help? Kinda. The nerves were like a slow build—not immediate panic, just an uneasy simmer that gradually turned into why am I doing this again?

But at least I…
✅ Didn’t black out
✅ Didn’t trip over my own feet
✅ Didn’t get booed off stage (which, frankly, I count as a win)

The Wildest Part? I Actually Had Fun.

Somewhere between the first few slides and my final point, something shifted. My voice stopped shaking. My brain stopped convincing me I was about to spontaneously combust. And I actually started enjoying myself.

Was it perfect? Nope.

But it wasn’t a complete sh*t show either. And most importantly? I did it. I stared down a fear, walked away alive—and even landed two new clients.

Moral of the Story? Do the Thing That Scares You.

Because chances are, it’s not nearly as terrifying as you think. And if it is? Well, at least you’ll have a great story to tell.

Now, your turn—what’s one thing you’ve been avoiding because it makes you nervous? Drop it in the comments or shoot me a message. 

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