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The Women of 224 Commerce Place Greensboro, NC

Welcome to 224 Commerce Place, where a dynamic hub of female entrepreneurship is shaping the local business landscape. Here, three remarkable women, each with their unique vision and passion, have come together to create an empowering environment that celebrates creativity, wellness, and luxury.

Lisa Johnson

Lisa leads the way in elegant home decor, offering a vast selection of original art, one-of-a-kind accessories, and luxury gifts, along with bespoke design services. With her impeccable eye for detail and talent for curating exquisite spaces, her gallery infuses sophistication and style into every project. Whether she’s transforming living rooms into cozy retreats or upscale residences with high-end furnishings, her design studio is a sanctuary for those in search of refined aesthetics and timeless beauty.

Learn more about Lisa Johnson.

Grace LeFLore

Next, we have Grace, the driving force behind Greensboro’s premier hot yoga studio. With a passion for holistic wellness and a dedication to empowering others through movement and mindfulness, she has cultivated a vibrant community of yogis of all levels. From invigorating hot yoga sessions to restorative practices that nourish the body and soul, her studio offers a sanctuary for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

Learn more about Embodhi Yoga Studios.

Dana McKnight

Lastly, meet Dana, the visionary behind Magnolia Content Studios, a luxury content studio like no other. This studio seamlessly blends aesthetics with functionality. Only to provide a outstanding setting for brand promotion, lifestyle photography, family portraits, and captivating social media visuals.

Above all, what truly sets Magnolia Content Studios apart is its unparalleled ambiance. A sanctuary flooded with natural light, boasting exposed brick, and infused with just the right touch of luxury. In other words, it’s a place where every detail, from top-of-the-line equipment to an array of props, sets the stage for creativity and inspiration to flourish.

Learn more about Magnolia Content Studios.

Each woman brings her unique expertise and passion to the table. This create a synergistic environment where creativity thrives and businesses flourish. From the serene ambiance of the hot yoga studio to the curated elegance of the interior design studio and the artistic energy of the content studio, 224 Commerce Place is more than just a commercial space. Moreover, it’s a testament to the power of female entrepreneurship and collaboration.

224 Commerce Place stands as a beacon of female empowerment and innovation. Here, you and your fellow visionary women are shaping the future of business, one inspiring space at a time. Certainly, with your shared commitment to excellence, creativity, and community, you’re not just building businesses. You’re building a legacy of empowerment and possibility for generations to come.

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